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Железное королевство. Взлет и падение Пруссии, 1600-1947 гг. - Кристофер Кларк

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Der dreissigjährige Krieg und das deutsche Volk (3rd edn, Stuttgart, 1961), pp. 17–21. Franz occupies a complex position in the historiography, mainly because of his outspoken adherence to the National Socialist regime. The traces of this commitment can still be discerned – despite some careful editing of the more egregious passages – in the post-war editions of his work. In the 1960s, Franz’s calculations were vehemently rejected by Saul Steinberg, who argued that they were based on reports that exaggerated mortalities or vacancies in order to evade taxation. Steinberg came to the provocative – and bizarre – conclusion that ‘in 1648, Germany was neither better nor worse off than in 1609’ (Steinberg, The Thirty Years War, p. 3); this view was taken up by Hans-Ulrich Wehler in p. 54 of the first volume of his Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte (5 vols., Munich, 1987–2003). However, recent studies have tended to endorse Franz’s findings. The sources are especially full and reliable for Brandenburg. See J. C. Thiebault, ‘The Demography of the Thirty Years War Revisited: Günther Franz and his Critics’, German History, 15 (1997), pp. 1–21.

45. Lieselott Enders, Die Uckermark. Geschichte einer kurmärkischen Landschaft vom 12. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (Weimar, 1992), p. 527.

46. See, for example, A. Kuhn, ‘Über das Verhältniss Märkischer Sagen und Gebräuche zur altdeutschen Mythologie’, Märkische Forschungen, 1 (1841), pp. 115–46.

47. Samuel Pufendorf, Elements of Universal Jurisprudence in Two Books (1660), Book 2, Observation 5, in Craig L. Carr (ed.), The Political Writings of Samuel Pufendorf, trans. Michael J. Seidler (New York, 1994), p. 87.

48. Samuel Pufendorf, On the Law of Nature and Nations in Eight Books (1672), Book 7, ch. 4, in ibid., p. 220.

49. Ibid., p. 221.

50. Samuel Pufendorf, De rebus gestis Friderici Wilhelmi Magni Electoris Brandenburgici commentatiorum, book XIX (Berlin, 1695).

51. Johann Gustav Droysen, ‘Zur Kritik Pufendorfs’, in id., Abhandlungen zur neueren Geschichte (Leipzig, 1876), pp. 309–86, here p. 314.

3 An Extraordinary Light in Germany


1. Ferdinand Hirsch, ‘Die Armee des Grossen Kürfürsten und ihre Unterhaltung während der Jahre 1660–1666’, Historische Zeitschrift, 17 (1885), pp. 229–75.

2. Helmut Börsch-Supan, ‘Zeitgenössische Bildnisse des Grossen Kurfürsten’, in Gerd Heinrich (ed.), Ein Sonderbares Licht in Teutschland. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Grossen Kurfürsten von Brandenburg (1640–1688) (Berlin, 1990), pp. 151–66.

3. Otto Meinardus, ‘Beiträge zur Geschichte des Grossen Kurfürsten’, FBPG, 16/2 (1903), pp. 173–99, here p. 176.

4. On the influence of neo-stoicism on the political thought and action of Elector Frederick William and of early modern sovereigns more generally, see esp. Gerhard Oestreich, Neostoicism and the Early Modern State, ed. B. Oestreich and H. G. Koenigsberger, trans. D. McLintock (Cambridge, 1982).

5. Derek McKay, The Great Elector, Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia (Harlow, 2001), pp. 170–71.

6. Cited from an edict of 1686 in Martin Philippson, Der Grosse Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg (3 vols., Berlin, 1897–1903), vol. 3, p. 91.

7. On the naval and colonial plans of the Elector, see Ernst Opgenoorth, Friedrich Wilhelm der Grosse Kurfürst von Brandenburg (2 vols., Göttingen, 1971–8), vol. 2, pp. 305–11; E. Schmitt, ‘The Brandenburg Overseas Trading Companies in the 17th Century’, in Leonard Blussé and Femme Gaastra (eds.), Companies and Trade. Essays on European Trading Companies During the Ancien Regime (Leiden, 1981), pp. 159–76;Hüttl, Friedrich Wilhelm, pp. 445–6; Heinz Duchhardt, ‘Afrika und die deutschen Kolonialprojekte der 2.Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts’, Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 68 (1986), pp. 119–33; a useful historiographical discussion is Klaus-Jürgen Matz, ‘Das Kolonialexperiment des Grossen Kurfürsten in der Geschichtsschreibung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts’, in Heinrich (ed.), Ein Sonderbares Licht, pp. 191–202.

8. Albert Waddington, Le Grand Électeur Fŕedéric Guillaume de Brandenbourg: sa politique extérieure, 1640–1688 (2 vols., Paris, 1905–8), vol. 1, p. 43; comments by Götze and Leuchtmar, Stettin, 23 April 1643, in Bernhard Erdmannsdörffer (ed.), Politische Verhandlungen, (4 vols., Berlin, 1864–84), vol. 1 (= UuA, vol. 1), pp. 596–7.

9. Lisola to Walderode, Berlin, 30 November 1663, in Alfred Pribram (ed.), Urkunden und Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Kurfürsten Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg, vol. 14 (Berlin, 1890), pp. 171–2.

10. Hermann von Petersdorff, Der Grosse Kurfürst (Gotha, 1926), p. 40.

11. McKay, Great Elector, p. 21; Philippson, Der Grosse Kurfürst, vol. 1, pp. 41–2.

12. Margrave Ernest to Frederick William, Cölln, 18 May 1641, in Erdmannsdörffer (ed.), Politische Verhandlungen, vol. 1, pp. 451–2.

13. Privy councillors to Frederick William, 6 September 1642 and report on the Margrave’s death by Dr Johannes Magirius, 26 September 1642, in Erdmannsdörffer (ed.), Politische Verhandlungen, vol. 1, pp. 499–502, 503–5.

14. Alexandra Richie, Faust’s Metropolis. A History of Berlin (London, 1998), pp. 44–5.

15. Philippson, Der Grosse Kurfürst, vol. 1, pp. 56–8.

16. Hirsch, ‘Die Armee des grossen Kurfürsten’, pp. 229–75; Waddington, Grand Électeur, vol. 1, p. 89; McKay, Great Elector, pp. 173–5.

17. Curt Jany, ‘Lehndienst und Landfolge unter dem Grossen Kurfürsten’, FBPG, 8 (1895), pp. 419–67.

18. For an analysis of the battle (with diagrams), see Robert I. Frost, The Northern Wars 1558–1721 (Harlow, 2000), pp. 173–6.

19. Frederick William to Otto von Schwerin, Schweinfurt, 10 February 1675, in Ferdinand Hirsch (ed.), Politische Verhandlungen (Berlin 1864–1930) vol. 11 (= UuA, vol. 18), pp. 824–5; Jany, ‘Lehndienst und Landfolge unter dem Grossen Kurfürsten’ (Fortsetzung), in FBPG, 10 (1898), pp. 1–30, here p. 7, note 3.

20. Droysen, Der Staat des Grossen Kurfürsten, p. 351.

21. Diarium Europeaeum XXXII, cited in Jany, ‘Lehndienst und Landfolge’ (Fortsetzung), p. 7.

22. Pufendorf, Rebus gestis, Book VI, § 36–9; Leopold von Orlich, Friedrich Wilhelm der Grosse Kurfürst. Nach bisher noch unbekannten Original-Handschriften (Berlin, 1836), pp. 79–81; the Elector’s account is reprinted in the Appendix, pp. 139–42.

23. Cited in Peter Burke, The Fabrication of Louis XIV (New Haven, CT, 1992), p. 152.

24. Frederick William, Political Testament of 1667 in Richard Dietrich (ed.), Die politischen Testamente der Hohenzollern (Cologne, 1986), pp. 179–204, here pp. 191–2.

25. Heinz Duchhardt and Bogdan Wachowiak, Um die Soveränität des Herzogthums Preussen: Der Vertrag von Wehlau, 1657 (Hanover, 1998); for contemporary Polish perspectives on the treaty, see Barbara Szymczak, Stosunki Rzeczypospolitej z Brandenburgią i Prusami Książęcymi w latach 1648–1658 w opinii i działaniach szlachty koronnej (Warsaw, 2002), esp. pp. 229–58.

26. Comment to Louis XIV by the Austrian envoy in Paris, cited in Orlich, Friedrich Wilhelm, p.

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